In my video "Used Car Prices Are Insane!! But I bought one anyway, and this is the story of how that happened"I explain why I felt I needed a second car, and I tell the story of how I came to buy one in the middle of this insane spike in used car prices. Then I reviewed it in my follow-up videos "2020 Hyundai Veloster 2.0 Premium Complete Walkaround and Full Review" and "5 Things I Love About My 2020 Hyundai Veloster 2.0 Premium."Sadly, not long thereafter I totalled the Veloster as explained in my video "Requiem for the 2020 Hyundai Veloster and the Story of the Search for a Replacement"which also details my purchase of my 2022 Kia K5 (see the separate blog post on that car).