In my videos "Introduction to My Smarthome Project and Why I Chose Lutron Caseta Wireless Switches" and
"Installing and Setting Up Lutron Caseta Wireless Switches (includes a 3-way dimmer and a non-dimmer)" I talk about the following products:
Lutron Claro 2 Gang Wallplate
Lutron Claro 3 Gang Wallplate
Lutron Caseta Smart Switch Dimmer Starter Kit (with Smart Bridge)
Lutron Caseta Smart Switch (no dimmer)
Lutron Caseta Wireless Pico Wall-Mounting Kit
Lutron Caseta Wireless Wallplate Bracket for Pico Remote
X10 Lamp Module
X10 Decorator Wall Switch
X10 Wireless Transceiver
X10 PalmPad Remote Control